The following is an archive of talks held during our 2021 virtual workshop (Aug 2 & 3, 2021).
The virtual workshop will begin in the afternoon of Monday Aug 2, 2021 and will finish in the evening of Tuesday Aug 3. The time for each talk is 45 minutes, plus 5-10 minutes of questions and a little break. The schedule is given below – all times are in Central European Summer Time (CEST = GMT+2).
Monday Aug 2
- 15:00: George Papadopoulos (King’s College London): Classification of AdS backgrounds
- 16:00: Walter Mazorchuk (Uppsala): Simple supermodules over Lie superalgebras
- 17:00: Martin Cederwall (Chalmers): SL(5) supersymmetry
- 18:00: Elena Poletaeva (UT Rio Grande Valley): On representations of finite W-algebras and super Yangians
Tuesday Aug 3
- 15:00: Andrea Santi (UiT): G(3) supergeometry and a supersymmetric extension of the Hilbert–Cartan equation
- 16:00: Eirik Svanes (Stavanger): Heterotic moduli without field redefinitions
- 17:00: Francesco Toppan (CBPF): Detectability of parastatistics induced by Rittenberg-Wyler color Lie (super)algebras
- 18:00: Vera Serganova (Berkeley): Volumes of supergrassmannians and their application to representation theory of algebraic supergroups